*New* Alaska Real ID
Alaska residents beginning October 1, 2020 will need one of the following forms of ID to fly on commercial airlines, visit or work on a military base or other federal property:
- Alaska Real ID Compliant drivers license
- Alaska Real ID compliant state ID
- A currently approved federal ID like a passport, military ID, Bureau of Indian Affairs card with a photo, etc.
To Apply for a REAL ID card you must present:
- An Identity document (Birth certificate, valid passport, Permanent Resident card, etc)
- A document that contains your full social security number and name (Social Security Card, W-2 Form, 1099 Form, pay stub with full SSN)
- Two documents that verify residency (Utility bills with full name, employment documents, insurance documents, Mortgage bill, etc.)
- $40.00 Licensing fee

Countless people use the beginning of a new year as an opportunity to set goals for their health, careers, and relationships—hence the age-old concept of New Year’s Resolutions. As you think about what you want to achieve this year, consider the following unique resolutions that could potentially enrich your life:
- Have lunch with someone with whom you disagree—and vow to keep an open mind. Whether you’ve sparred with a friend about politics, philosophical issues, or you’ve simply had a rift, the first step in healing the relationship is to have a truly open-minded conversation. If you know someone whom you used to value, but whose differences you have been unable to see past, consider inviting them to lunch. Agree that neither of you will attempt to persuade the other; instead, maintain a sense of curiosity and strive to simply have a conversation. Even if you both hold steady to your beliefs, you should be able to establish the mutual sense of respect that is essential to rekindling your relationship.
- Schedule time to be bored each week. From smartphones to streaming television, many people never feel bored in today’s hyperconnected world. But did you know that occasional boredom can benefit your brain? When your brain has “off time” as it does when you are bored, it becomes better equipped to solve nagging problems, connect disparate ideas, and gain a sense of clarity about your personal journey and goals. While you may find it difficult to relax, resolve that you will schedule some electronics-free time each week to simply do nothing.
- Seek out rejection. Most people are terrified of rejection—and this fear holds many of us back from achieving our dreams. To become more comfortable with the sting of rejection, resolve to do at least one thing that you know will lead to it. For example, ask for free refills at a restaurant that you know will not provide them, or ask a stranger for money. While this method may sound strange, desensitizing yourself to rejection could help you take the risks necessary for success.
Walk Through of 48510 Poppy Ln.
Walk through of 309 Princess St.
Walk through of 2740 VIP dr.
walk through 39850 Valley View Rd.
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